Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fringe--"A Brave New World" Part 1

Well, I was hysterical last night when I saw Astrid getting shot.  I did not even see that coming.  Fringe has always been good at blindsiding me with surprises or in this case SHOCK.
So William Bell is alive and well and just plain old nasty and rotten.  One good thing came out of that--David Robert Jones finally bit the dust--literally.  He was the chess pawn that Bell was talking about earlier in the episode.  Good riddance once and for all.
Boy did Olivia kick some major ass on the roof top while saving Peter.  I wouldn't mess with her.
The conclusion and season finale of this 2 part episode looks amazing and I have no earthly idea what is going to happen.  That's just fine with me.  I would rather be surprised and not spoiled with this series.  Too much great stuff going on.
I would so love for Fringe to be finally recognized for it's fantastic writing and acting by the Academy of TV and get nominated for an Emmy.  It will be a well deserved nomination.

Screen caps i made from this episode.  Enjoy!

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