Screen caps from Wednesday's episode of Off The Map. Fantastic episode. I hope ABC keeps this series on the schedule because it would really be a shame to cancel it.
“I’m a positive person in general, but we really need our Fringe fans to tune in and watch us on Fridays. We did good when we first moved, but last week we did not have a good week, ratings wise. It is going to take the people [who] like the show to watch the show and start the campaign and show their support if they want to see us stick around for another season.”The request has been made, Fringe fans. How can you make sure that you’re doing your part to help save your favorite series? It’s simple: watch Fringe at 9pm, on Fox – anything else doesn’t help.
This is an American Idol recap of Hollywood week 4. If you are looking for something else, please visit this link for more of our recent American Idol posts. Thanks!Here are some names to remember for American Idol season 10:
Lexie: You're not his family! You're his midlife crisis! | permalink
Mark: Peanut butter cups. She's a stress eater. You get her eating, you get her talking. She loves peanut butter cups. | permalink
Alex: I thought I knew all of the nurses on this floor. How did I miss you? | permalink
Mark: That goo looks great. I say stick with the goo. | permalink
Meredith: One of the hardest lessons as a doctor is learning to prioritize. We're trained to do all we can to save life and limb, but, if cutting off a limb, means saving a life, we learn to do it without hesitation. It's not an easy lesson to learn, and it always comes down to one question, "what are the stakes?" What do we stand to gain or lose? At the end of the day, we're just gamblers trying not to bet the farm. | permalink
Cristina: If you continue to whine about how you can't decide which groundbreaking medical advancement to put your name on, I'll punch you in the ear. | permalink
Cristina: It's Sophie's choice.
Meredith: It's Sophie's choice?
Lexie: I've never seen that movie.
Cristina: Well, you should. It's really funny. | permalink
Callie: Kepner, I need you to speak differently.
April: I'm sorry.
Callie: It's your voice. It's a little um—just speak differently.
April: Like with an accent? | permalink
Cristina: There's no way she's twenty. She's gotta be like 26, 27.
Lexie: I'm 27.
Cristina: Oh. Gross. | permalink
Teddy: For someone who has a history of ambivalence towards motherhood, you got the whole guilt thing down cold. | permalink
Cristina: You're the one who needs to keep his mouth shut, cabbage patch. | permalink
Lexie: That's what happens when your boyfriend's an old man. Old men get cancer. | permalink
Lexie: I never really got it before, but this is how he operates. He starts up new families, stops talking to the old ones. He'll go off marry Dani the tattooed lady, have six little mid-life crisis babies, and I'll never hear from him again. It's exactly what he did to you. | permalink
Chief: She didn't give you a lot of love, but she gave you her talent and her name and this. | permalink
Lexie: Crap, my dad's tatted up skank isn't the bitch. I am. | permalink
Meredith: I think it's right that you continue her work, but I just really want to cure her disease. | permalink
Meredith: Surgery is a high stakes game. But no matter how high the stakes, sooner or later, you're just going to have to go with your gut, and, maybe just maybe, that'll take you right where you were meant to be in the first place. | permalink